I am sure this idea has been applied to entertainment before, but it would be new to me so it may and should have a rebirth.
The idea is simple. Line up a well balanced mix of products and services that support a specific life-style or character. For instance, a network wants a series about a spy. What does a spy need? A watch, an umbrella, food, fashion, housing…
These products would develop and follow the development of the show. Essentially this idea is a cosmopolitan magazine in TV media format!
For instance, our spy walks across a room with a ‘where’s waldo’ type feel with products and pieces of the story embedded into the scene. The commercials will only be commercials in the sense that they highlight a specific product, but at the same time a little known detail of the story line. It will essentially be a mini-side story revealing a detail that the viewer may have missed during the main characters stroll across a room. For more information about the story and side-stories the viewer can go to the internet.
IN addition, a website with facts and background information will be updated as the story on the television unfolds. On the web site, the viewer can see a map of where the character is moving in the city on the show, real time. And learn about the capabilities of his new Garmin GPS device. Or the viewer can learn details about the main character’s watch and how it works and how the character used his car in the way that he did…
In short, the advertisements, story and web-links are all embedded together with no discernable difference between them. The entire hour is entertainment connected to a single story.