Monday, December 25, 2006

microban door handle

I am surprised microban does not offer an anti-microbial door handle for public restrooms in restaurants, airports, malls, etc. Many people are very concerned about contamination following washing their hands and use a paper towel to open the door. Either automatic doors and/or anti-microbial door handles would help alleviate this concern. The door handle approach would likely be cheaper.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

traffic regulation technology

This is a bit far reaching, but interesting and I am sure underdevelopment, nonetheless:

Provide feedback and communication between vehicles on the freeway. Each car knows where each car is. It can utilize GPS as well as range finding technology such that a car maintains a known distance from the car in front of it which maintains a safe distance with the car in front of it and etc. This would obviously just work in the far left (speed) land. Would improve efficiency and reduce accidents given the technology is proven.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

for the pool owner with everything

For the man or woman that has everything, including a pool, a love of 'gizmos' and is a data hound.

A small, floating thermometer that wireless transmits temperature data to a stand alone monitor (much like the weather monitors popular today) or to a computer which can track the temperature data over time.

The floating monitoring device could also have additional sensors to monitor pool water such as salinity, chlorine, pH, turbidity, etc. added over time. The device will have a solar panel on the top and have rechargeable battery, obviously too low of a voltage to produce any injuries.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

collapsable food storage containers

Here is a very simple and basic idea. I am surprised it has not been implemented yet.

Essentially combine tupperware type food storage container with zip-lock bags. When empty the container can be collapsed.

These containers would hold solid food, but liquids as well. They will have a wide mouth for easy cleaning. Eventually, the container will be disposed of, but it is good for a dozen or so uses.

The cap will be designed to act as a vent for when heating in the microwave. Additionally, the customer can buy different colored caps to denote different stored items.

Monday, December 4, 2006

business summarized

Very inexpensive service to start up.

A blog that summarized business week, the wall street journal, investors business daily, forbes magazine, etc. The highlights broken down by investments, markets, insights and trends in each of the publications and summarized. A cliff notes for business publications. Free service paid for by advertisements. As an added service, common denomenators between the publications can be highlighted. For instance, if business week and forbes both recommend a stock, this would be pointed out to the reader.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

XM radio

XM Radio has its work cut out for it. It has numerous competitors and an industry that is not fully proven and whose future is uncertain. Currently, XM radio has competition from the other satellite radio station, Sirius. It also has to compete with the traditional radio format, MP3 players and recorded music. When WiMAX, WiFi with broadband capability, is widely release XM will have an additional competitor.

I think the future does not look bright for either of the satellite radio companies, and they must figure a way to market themselves to ensure survival.

I do not think advertising for additional revenue is a wise choice. Part of the reason people choose them is the lack of sponsors. If they have sponsors, they will have lost a competitive advantage of traditional radio.

Adding satellite radio capability to airlines is a wise move. They need to continue to develop partnerships. If they for instance, could permit recording of songs (or even certain song) off their players directly to MP3 format then they would evolve a place for themselves in the future. Even if the song 'expired' off the player in a certain amount of time they would gain market share I believe.

XM could implement this concept with joining with one of the 'underdog' MP3 manufacturers. The device could both receive XM Radio, but also record the music. The would obviously require 'buy in' from the music industry. Setting a digital rights time limit may alleviate some 'angst' from the music labels. Special live broadcasts that could be recorded for a fee would also be an advantage.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

razor/can packaging

New packaging design for shaving cream and razor manufacturers such as gillette. Innovative packaging design would enable a razor, such as the mach 3, to conveniently 'snap' into place on the shaving cream can. This packaging will be innovative and different in shaving cream package design, but also allow the consumer one unit to store instead of two. The can will be designed to house the addtional razor cartridges for the razors.

Friday, December 1, 2006

cell ideas

cell idea number 1:
Large retailers such as The Home Depot and Wal-Mart should post 'cell assist numbers' throughout the store. A shopper can call the number on his or her cell phone, be directed to a sales and or technical expert on a particular subject for information on a 'how to' project or, for example, just to find out what isle in store #43 (store number is listed at each store) vick's vapor rub is located. Once smart phones are video capable, store such as The Home Depot will be able to send a video to the customer on a specific project, such as 'installing dry wall'.

cell idea number 2:
why not just have a number you can call, on the other end is an individual with a computer and an internet connection. This is your 'command central'. You can ask for anything when outside the reach of an internet connection. The cost will be free. User just has to listen to ads. Eventually advancing technology may make this feature obsolete. Maybe be a good augmented service to cell phone service providers at a minimal cost.

360 degree marketing

I am sure this idea has been applied to entertainment before, but it would be new to me so it may and should have a rebirth.

The idea is simple. Line up a well balanced mix of products and services that support a specific life-style or character. For instance, a network wants a series about a spy. What does a spy need? A watch, an umbrella, food, fashion, housing…

These products would develop and follow the development of the show. Essentially this idea is a cosmopolitan magazine in TV media format!

For instance, our spy walks across a room with a ‘where’s waldo’ type feel with products and pieces of the story embedded into the scene. The commercials will only be commercials in the sense that they highlight a specific product, but at the same time a little known detail of the story line. It will essentially be a mini-side story revealing a detail that the viewer may have missed during the main characters stroll across a room. For more information about the story and side-stories the viewer can go to the internet.

IN addition, a website with facts and background information will be updated as the story on the television unfolds. On the web site, the viewer can see a map of where the character is moving in the city on the show, real time. And learn about the capabilities of his new Garmin GPS device. Or the viewer can learn details about the main character’s watch and how it works and how the character used his car in the way that he did…

In short, the advertisements, story and web-links are all embedded together with no discernable difference between them. The entire hour is entertainment connected to a single story.

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