An evolution of financial planing software is Life Planning Software. Intuit and Micorosoft may want to explore the possibilities of building upon the finanacial planning software foundation they have laid. Afterall, once you have the money what are you going to do with it?
I believe this concept should be marketed with a blogging and community aspect. People talking to people about their dreams and transitions into new phases of life. For example, the life planning software will ready an individual transitioning in his or her last year of working into retirement. It will assist him or her in establishing a blog to talk abou the transition, tie him or her into a community of like minded individuals and prioritize his life planning priorities with the dollars needed for each concept. It can directly tie him or her to an active adult community and meet the people that will be his neighbors.
The LPP (or Life Planning Priorities) is the basis of the life planning sofware. The software tool will assist the user in identifying his or her goals and aspirations. It will weight the varying goals with the variables of time, effort and dollars. This tool will walk the user through to the end point they actually want to reach, but may not or have not been able to articulate.
The products on the market today will assist in saving money, investing money, making a will, paying off a car, paying for college, what type of life insurance to buy. But all of these factors are means to an end. Most users are not sure what their end is. Without an end in mind, how can you have any means.
"If you don't know where you are going, you will probably wind up somewhere else." Yogi Berra